However, city security routinely question pedestrians entering through the gates Photographer gets hassled by municipal security..
Immigration officials routinely question noncitizens applying for visas on the basis of marriage to ensure that marital bliss, not citizenship, is the union's true goal.
"Physicians should routinely question Parkinson's disease patients and their caregivers about driving habits and counsel them on potential risks," Dr. Zesiewicz said.
Political foes routinely questioned his physical ability to carry on the duties of office.
As the 1972 election approached, Mr. Dole routinely questioned the motives and the ethics of the Democratic Presidential nominee, George S. McGovern, and the Democratic Party chairman, Larry O'Brien.
Bishop was again routinely questioned, but was not considered a suspect in Peterson's disappearance.
A C.I.A. analysis written right after the Cuban missile crisis noted that the U-2 reconnaissance flight that snapped the first photos of the Soviet missiles occurred in response to two reports from a processing center that routinely questioned Cuban refugees.
Immigration authorities require visas for visitors from Colombia, and the airport police routinely question arriving Colombians and keep their passports until they leave.
Broadway, currently doing record grosses, was then in a prolonged decline and had just endured its worst season ever, with more theaters dark than lit, its survival routinely questioned.
He routinely questions the agency's on-site supervisors and says that while most are cordial, he has yet to get a sensible answer.