While many universities and copy shops routinely seek permission to copy material, others have been flagrantly lax.
Ms. O'Neill also objected to a judge routinely seeking the waiver of an infected defendant's presence in the courtroom.
In addition, he said, Dell routinely sought to attract customers by promotional offers claiming that the financing was interest-free.
It has its own video distribution channels overseas - an advantage since overseas distributors routinely seek 40 percent of the gross.
In addition, he said, the investigation found that student groups routinely sought to "circumvent" college rules.
Traders routinely seek to maximize their profits during periods of high demand.
To secure convictions, Saudi Arabia's administrative and judicial authorities routinely seek confessions.
Even museums like the Metropolitan that routinely seek Federal protection are disturbed by the subpoena.
Government regulatory and action agencies routinely sought his opinion and advice on food and agribusiness.
Former residents routinely seek her help in finding homes abandoned decades ago.