Over the last two decades, Dr. Gould routinely warned that low levels of radiation from nuclear reactors were far more dangerous than commonly believed and were quietly poisoning Americans.
Clergy routinely warned believers that children conceived on holy days would be born leprous, epileptic, diabolically possessed, blind, or crippled.
PC Magazine surveyed other Internet service providers, including Verizon, Time Warner and Cox, and found none routinely warned customers or cut off service.
Now, editorialists routinely warn South Koreans about "Sinocentrism," the rise of "Chinese nationalism" and the return of a Middle Kingdom to dominate Asia.
European superstitions routinely warned against entering a fairy ring.
The board had argued that it routinely warned the candidates and their campaign treasurers that they would be held personally liable for repaying funds not shown to have been properly spent.
He said the clubs routinely warn members about locker room theft.
Another said he now routinely warns patients in their first session that he can no longer guarantee confidentiality because of managed care.
For more than two decades, Dr. Gould routinely warned that low levels of radiation from nuclear reactors were far more dangerous than commonly believed.
The commission routinely warns its clients that their charges must undergo a five-stage process, including a pending stage of a year or so during which they languish in the backlog.