The group received training from the sheriff's department so that it could set up roving patrols to report unknown cars or unusual behavior.
A roving patrol of armed guards was permitted to drive around inside the area, but not outside the fence.
The roving patrol had heard the gunfire and rushed to the scene.
I'd have had more posts and a roving patrol here, he thought.
The chekisti had insisted that some of their people accompany the roving patrols.
Thus, typically they have security measures such as double fences, roving patrols, and restricted movement.
Weapons were all over the place, and roving patrols kept crisscrossing the property.
They had roving patrols, including in this hotel.
What we have to watch out for is roving patrols in the hills.
Probably roving patrols trying to find myself and the guard.