Hamblin catered to the tastes of the rowdy audiences of New York's Bowery district.
Only the Chatham Garden Theatre boasted a rowdier audience.
Because both groups attract a rowdy audience, extraordinary security precautions are being taken for their tour.
Jean Dauberval's 1789 choreography for the original "Fille" was lost sometime after its premiere before a rowdy audience in Bordeaux.
Music halls could be rough in some areas, but Kitty is shown handling drunken and rowdy audiences with humour and grace.
Advertisers seemed less enthusiastic than Mr. Downey's rowdy audience, and his off-screen antics did not bolster his appeal.
They were then roundly denounced, cursed, reviled, laughed at and otherwise humiliated by the rowdy audience.
The plays he attended were noisy carnivals in which rowdy audiences shouted, hissed, talked back to the actors and threw objects on the stage.
The first night proved extremely unsuccessful, being met by loud "boos" and a rowdy audience.
The company acquired a reputation for playing relatively unsophisticated drama for a rowdy audience.