Accounts at the time compared their army headquarters to a rowdy bar and bordello.
Although Amsterdam still has its share of rowdy bars, white tablecloths are making inroads.
The establishment, located in the center of Alice Town, contained 12 guestrooms in addition to its rowdy bar.
There were sedate cafes instead of rowdy bars, but the populace still spent much of the day sitting and drinking.
"This is not a rowdy bar," he said.
But by the 1960's and 70's, only the town's rowdy bars were still doing a brisk business.
One night, a police officer was staking out a particularly rowdy bar for possible violations of driving-under-the-influence laws.
A couple of rowdy bars but mostly just a gentle family tempo.
Another resident, Margot Luce, is fed up with already existing street fairs, parades and rowdy bars.
And everywhere in between are rowdy bars, slick nightclubs, casinos and even brothels.