The king was enraged at this insult to his royal dignity, but took few steps to punish the offenders, owing to their large numbers.
You know how the Havelsteins are about their precedence and their royal dignity.
Is very great insult to royal dignity of young prince!
In these informal circumstances all royal dignity was forgotten, and they were simply boy and girl on an exciting outing.
However they received many royal dignities and privileges owing to their position as consorts.
Especially if you were the Queen of your nation and you couldn't go scrambling about the ship without losing your "royal dignity"!
Due to her Protestant religion, her funeral was conducted with so little royal dignity that there were public protests.
Bocskay refused the royal dignity, but made skillful use of the Turkish alliance.
So who cares about royal dignity anyway.even if you do fail completely at your first attempt.
Penalties for violators of any status or rank, including those having imperial, royal or even papal dignity, are grave.