The kingdom was a reward to the Savoyards, who were thus elevated to royal rank.
Württemberg, already having adopted royal rank in Napoleon era, was ultimately not stripped of it.
Gwenllian's royal rank was acknowledged at least once by the English Crown.
He guessed it to be the insignia of his royal rank in the Empire.
A royal child, for instance, is denied the opportunity to an ordinary life because of his parent's royal rank.
But it also meant that Elisabet would never share her new husband's royal rank, the marriage being deemed morgongåvobrev.
He always appeared in a white turban, which was studded with a large star sapphire to mark his royal rank.
Five gigantic suites at the top of the hotel were currently available for royal ranks.
In 739, he lost his royal status because the Emperor wanted to thin the royal ranks.
Because of her royal rank, an artistic career was not considered.