The royal treasury was being emptied by the demands of the war.
The royal treasury was so depleted that Kyaswa had trouble completing a temple.
Sterren didn't have any gold himself, but Semma's royal treasury contained a good bit of the stuff.
It dates to the late 11th century and was used as a monastic and royal treasury.
By the end of the 12th century, Edinburgh's castle was used as a royal treasury.
This building was constructed in 1759 originally as a royal treasury (casa real).
Don't you have a royal treasury or whatever?
The royal treasury had been deteriorating for years because the continued growth of tax-free religious landholdings.
He insisted that the royal treasury pay its obligations to the seminary which amounted to 54,000 pesos from 1705 to 1759.
The royal treasury had committed 1,200 pesos for the yearly maintenance of the seminary.