The old armrests are made of a rubbery material that seems to latch onto clothes and not let go.
Their heads were a soft, rubbery material with tall, synthetic hair sticking straight out the top.
They appeared to be made of some rubbery material.
On the Challenger flight, they failed to close properly, in part because cold weather stiffened the rubbery material.
Tailored to his human body, the rubbery material was thick and warm-too warm.
He gave Janna a small oval of soft, rubbery material.
Excessive catalyst may also cause the product to fracture or form a rubbery material.
In his other hand, he held an object that looked like a miniature coffin, its outer layer a rubbery material.
Cartilage is tough, rubbery material which is less rigid than bone.
But what he had mistaken for soft sand was really some kind of plush rubbery material that coated the rock.