Ask about this, as commercial mozzarella adds a rubbery texture and no flavor to a hero.
You will later determine, from its slick and rubbery (in a good way) texture, that you're correct.
It has a firm, rubbery texture and look.
Prolonged exposure to the pickling solution may result in a rubbery texture.
She reached out a hand, and Vor touched her fingers; they had a rubbery texture that seemed far from human.
When they are overcooked, they have a tough and rubbery texture.
Enlarged nodes are generally firm and have a rubbery texture.
The fruiting body has a rubbery texture, becoming corky with age.
The back is rounded plastic, which feels fine to hold, though there's no rubbery texture to help your grip.
It somehow splits into two layers and comes out with a rubbery texture.