Walls were made of stone or stone facing with rubble core.
The rubble core of the building still stands but the stone facing has been looted.
Structure 3 was built from small limestone blocks around a rubble core.
All three stages were filled with a rubble core, although the earliest stage consisted of larger pieces than the latter stages.
Break its crust and the guns turn the rubble core into a staircase.
The plinth made with rubble core has fifty-six cells all around, and houses over 100 gravestones.
The eastern wall was noticeably robbed but found to be of stone, bonded by clay, with a rubble core.
All that's left of the outer walls is the rubble core.
The walls were made of a rubble core faced with several courses of bricks.
While the new pyramid was being built another high ranking tomb (Burial 24) was inserted into the rubble core of the building.