The industrial enterprises in 2008 have shipped to consumers more than 51,6 billion rubles worth of produce.
The Government has been printing millions of rubles worth of coupons for use in buying scarce goods.
By the mid-1980s, Dom Modi employed 600 civil servants and was required to produce some 2 million rubles worth of clothing each year.
The bank has raised 102.5 billion rubles worth of additional capital.
By 1896, the Society had funded 110,000 rubles worth of projects towards education.
(To their disappointment, none of the more than 200 trillion rubles worth of gold is believed to be Russian.)
By 1800, there were over three thousand government and private buildings to house the millions of rubles worth of trade goods.
In 2010, 218 million rubles worth of goods were produced in the district, which is 29% more than in 2009.
It brewed 57,000 rubles worth of beer each year.
For every 100 rubles in circulation, there are less than 15 rubles worth of goods in stores.