Wallace Ellwood was out to sea, drifting like a rudderless boat.
Now where is that rudderless boat?
Here and there a supply wagon bobbed between the dusty grey bodies like a rudderless boat.
In the whirl of the shock waves the rudderless boat was seized like a cork and thrust upwards.
Then came the actual motion of the rocks-drifting, sailing, like rudderless boats in a place where they wring out rainbows.
It exasperated his grandmother to see this forceful spirit drifting like a rudderless boat, directed neither to work nor to leisure.
Wunderman knew that he himself would be like a rudderless boat without this organization.
A rudderless boat must be perfectly balanced if it is to follow a straight course.
Yes, the Kerry ferry has slipped its moorings and is adrift, a rudderless not-so-swift boat.
When they could not do so after several days, he let them choose between death, slavery, or being set adrift in a rudderless boat.