The phone got tired of holding only six of the required seven numbers in its rudimentary brain, double-clicked, and dumped me back to an open line.
Syrup sacs communicated with their digestive apparatus, wires led to motor nodes in the rudimentary brain.
They have a rudimentary brain, but their eyesight's poor.
He caressed the sleep-centers of its rudimentary brain.
They were stupid, primitive; creatures with rudimentary brains.
She knew the things had only a rudimentary brain, but still they were . . . alive.
Spock saw the charging animals pull up or veer off, confused, and in some dim recess of their rudimentary brains- terrified.
Scientists believe that this rudimentary brain was similar to that of the present-day worm.
"Perhaps I'd better just scan your rudimentary brain to see what other surprises you have to offer."
These things are far too small to have anything but the most rudimentary brains.