Primarily used for directing aircraft at forest fires and air shows, the mobile tower contained only rudimentary equipment.
He first began experimenting with rudimentary audio equipment and keyboards when he was 15.
In 1896, Ruiz started elaborating coffee using rudimentary equipment.
Many begin with the most rudimentary equipment.
All right, maybe the hop from Earth used rudimentary equipment because only primitives were working one side of the tunnel.
She only wished she'd been able to bring more than just the most rudimentary equipment.
The company has gotten by on secondhand and often rudimentary equipment.
Bill would have been quite willing to go into the hut, for he had but rudimentary olfactory equipment.
They were armed only with rudimentary equipment, a viewing/diving chamber, radio, and a grab lowered from the surface.
His career in cinema began with experimental film shot on speculation and with the most rudimentary equipment.