Even under rare conditions of favorable lighting and libration, this area would only be seen from the side amidst a rugged range of mountains.
A rugged, deeply eroded range, the Sauras feature dramatic rock cliffs which can be seen for miles.
This rugged range generally stretches from west to east.
The rugged range that once protected the White Mountain people became their chief source of wealth.
The Sierra Nevada, further south, is a high, rugged, and dense mountain range.
Now its residential area climbed the hills crowding ever higher up into California's dry, rugged coastal range.
The department is very mountainous, with rugged ranges covered in pine forests; which are rocky and mostly clay.
It was a high, rugged range and they found other creeks and springs as they went.
The somber, rugged Karawanken range rises on the south side of the lake, which shimmered blue in the sunshine.
Once there was a significant rugged coastal range, now there is Hinchinbrook Island.