Exposed granite outcrops, rugged ridges and steep forested slopes support a range of vegetation.
The rugged ridges are separated by high-desert basins.
The land below was rolling, but soon rucked up into the rugged ridges that channeled the lake district.
In the central part of the interior floor is a cluster of low, rugged ridges.
The rim peaks along the southeast, then comes to an end at a rugged promontory-like ridge.
The Wilderness Area spans steep, rugged high-elevation ridges ranging from 3,200 to over 6,400 feet.
The desert growth increased as they drew nearer to some rugged ridges of bare rock.
The area was a series of rugged ridges and thick forests, making progress against a determined, well fortified enemy extremely difficult.
"He is hunting in the mountains," said a warrior, waving an informatory hand in the direction of a rugged ridge above the camp.
Large-scale construction will not begin here until late spring, but that does not mean nothing is happening along these rugged ridges and ravines.