Commander Zahir is a rugged-looking man whose hands chop the air as he speaks.
Two other rugged-looking men occupied the back seat.
There was a pleasant-faced, rugged-looking man in his early forties, seated alone.
He was a big, rugged-looking man with a rat-trap mouth.
He was a tall, rugged-looking man with a mustache, and soft dark watchful eyes that missed nothing.
It's easy to spot: several rugged-looking men are usually repairing bikes under the shop's awning.
As they stepped on to the patio, a French door opened and a rugged-looking man came out.
One was a husky, rugged-looking man; the other an attractive woman with oddly striped hair.
The agent who'd left, a tall, rugged-looking black man, was sobbing ten feet away.
Fenton Hardy, a tall, rugged-looking man, was in the dining room having a cup of coffee.