Historic ruins, founded at different places in the agency, indicate that this area was part of Ghandara civilization and Buddhist peoples lived here.
The ruins found in the village indicate that the area was occupied by the Romans and the Crusaders at some stage in history.
The Temple was identified as such by Pausanias but the ruins present today indicate a complex history.
He was also now aware that settlements were being established where ruins indicated that the Ancients had had holdings.
The ruins indicate that the building was approximately 391 feet (over 100 metres) long, and is the largest church to have been built in Scotland.
Numerous ruins and remaining structures indicate the flow of the village through the time.
Extensive ruins in Kalyan indicate the city's former magnificence.
Other ruins indicate that the town's architecture was unusually refined, perhaps the most sophisticated in the Bosporan Kingdom.
These ruins are fragmentary, but indicate that there were towers to the north and south of the shell keep.
Numerous ruins of agricultural terraces and irrigation devices indicate that farming was widespread during this period.