Everyone senses that the policy being promoted possibly won't work and could have ruinous consequences.
David Brooks is correct: withdrawal from Iraq would have "ruinous consequences for American power and prestige."
The threat of a regional war seems to be growing, with potentially ruinous consequences.
Cornwallis was unhappy with the agreement, but he also worried about "the ruinous consequences of.
That does mean gambling, sometimes with ruinous consequences.
This affair had however no ruinous consequences, the young gentleman escaping then, and many more times undis- cover'd.
Such a situation would surely meet the national aspirations of the Scots, without the ruinous consequences of an ill-tempered and ultimately self-destructive quarrel.
The truly courageous took their stand then and there and often took the ruinous consequences.
Labor is paralyzed where the enjoyment of its fruits is uncertain; and litigation without limit produces ruinous consequences to individuals.
If nobody chickens out, the result would be a general smash-up, with ruinous consequences for all - and for the world economic and monetary system.