Many commuter airline officials said they did not oppose rules aimed at increasing pilot safety.
The industry has long had rules aimed at limiting such practices, but many companies appeared to ignore them, perhaps because the rules were too vague.
Still, rules aimed at the non-professional hobby market therefore inevitably contain abstractions.
Here are excerpts from a recent conversation with her: Q. What are the new rules aimed at?
There is a rule aimed at increasing admissions from more number of states by allowing only 40% seats from a state.
Recently Texas and Florida adopted rules aimed at reducing the number of court settlements that are sealed.
Today's agreement was necessary because of Congressional rules aimed at limiting the Federal budget deficit.
It is up to us as lawmakers to draw up rules aimed at limiting the impact of climate change.
There are, for example, rules aimed at national parliaments that have no legal basis.
This is a compromise between rules aimed at better protecting consumers and guaranteeing clear common conditions for companies competing in the single market.