But consumer advocates say the rules cannot insure reasonable prices.
The rules also insure that the value of the austral, the country's volatile currency, reflects gold and hard-currency holdings.
Mr. Levitt, the S.E.C. chairman, said the rules would "insure that our markets are based on competition, not coordination."
They are supposed to adopt rules to insure that any landfill seeking a state permit complies with the Federal criteria.
The immediate concern, they said, should be to toughen operating rules to insure that water does not get into the vulnerable cargo area.
Instead, it proposes strict rules to insure they do it on their own time.
The same law allows the city to make rules to insure that the drinking water remains pure.
But the new rule applies only to criminal proceedings and does not insure confidentiality in administrative actions, which are the ordinary mechanism for discharging acknowledged homosexuals from the military.
Representatives have little sympathy for the Senate's problems, faulting it for not having rules to insure orderly procedures, and especially prevent filibusters.
These rules would not only insure that gun purchases be limited to the needs of the owner, but would restrict illegal resale to street offenders.