The Kakatiyas were at first vassals of the Rashtrakutas, and ruled over a small territory near Warangal.
Khun Chuang, a single family ruled over a far-flung territory and reinstituted the Siamese administrative system of the 7th century.
For centuries the lords of Sparneck ruled over a territory, which corresponded roughly to the former district of Münchberg.
King Marko in reality came to be a regional lord who ruled over a relatively small territory in western Macedonia.
While the Trịnh ruled over a much more populous territory, the Nguyễn had several advantages.
No major cities are named but many castles are described; each lord of Demonland seems to rule over a territory centered around a castle.
He and his descendants whose names do not occur in the Puranas seem to have ruled over a large territory in deccan.
The Cholas continued to rule over a diminished territory in the neighbourhood of Uraiyur, but only in a minor capacity.
A Graf ruled over a territory known as a Grafschaft, literally 'countship' (also rendered as 'county').
At the peak of their success the Safavids ruled over a vast territory which included all of modern-day Iran.