Lasting for almost two centuries, it was ruled by a succession of more than 30 Greek kings, who were often in conflict with each other.
Magloire resigned the presidency in December, 1956, leaving Haiti to be ruled by a succession of provisional governments.
Through its long history, the Chinese have been ruled not by one dynasty, but by a succession of different dynasties.
It is likely that, before the founding of the republic, Rome actually had been ruled by a succession of kings.
The traditional account of Roman history is that in Rome's first centuries, it was ruled by a succession of seven kings.
The great period of the Persian miniature began when Persia was ruled by a succession of foreign dynasties, who came from the east and north.
Power alternated between the two factions, and Honduras was ruled by a succession of civilian governments and military regimes.
The west was ruled by a succession of weak emperors, and true power began to fall increasingly into the hands of powerful generals.
The country was then ruled by a succession of dictators and was often torn by revolt.
At one time, Rome had been ruled by a succession of kings.