In general, the Ptolemies undertook changes that went far beyond any other measures that earlier foreign rulers had imposed.
An earlier Pakistani ruler, Gen. Zia ul-Haq, hanged his civilian predecessor, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and imposed a punitive version of Islam especially harsh on women.
The rectification of names also calls for a standard language in which ancient rulers could impose laws that everyone could understand to avoid confusion.
The ruler may impose the laws and institutions which we have been describing, and the citizens may possibly be willing to obey them?
Proponents insist that it is a far better alternative to the common law that British rulers imposed.
In the 5th century BC, the Samnites conquered it (and all the other towns of Campania); the new rulers imposed their architecture and enlarged the town.
When the new rulers imposed conscription and Bavarian legal codes on the territory, they flouted ancient Tyrolean social and religious rights.
Tensions rose when the new rulers imposed British law that heavily restricted the rights of Roman Catholics (the religion of the French), including the rights to vote and hold office.
The end result for the average citizen, of course, is antipathy mixed with cynicism, as each ruler imposes a constitution tailored to his own needs and recruits jurists willing to bend to his will.
In Republic by Plato, the character Thrasymachus argues that justice is the interest of the strong-merely a name for what the powerful or cunning ruler has imposed on the people.