That he had overthrown and slain this gigantic ruler still seemed to Tarzan almost incredible.
Sudan's rulers seem to contemplate the murderous violence that sustains their power with complete serenity.
In fact, no ruler of Egypt seems ever to have embarked on a large-scale campaign without foreign fighters.
China today remains perennially criticized as a nation whose rulers seem to respect human rights only grudgingly.
Never mind the drivers, Nascar's rulers seem to be spinning out of control.
What's far more worrisome is that Kuwait's complacent rulers seem to have learned nothing from calamity.
Other subject rulers seem to have been established elsewhere in Mercia.
Today, not only China's rulers but also their critics seem out of step with the times.
However, by the middle of the nineteenth century, rulers seem to spot the powerful role of media.
Namibia's new rulers, who have good reason to bear rancour, seem to have put it aside.