European rulers saw it as the color of power, dignity, humility and temperance.
Romania is to stay a republic, suggesting the country's new rulers see little future for the former King Michael.
Legally the local rulers saw the Europeans as tenants, and they demanded to right to approve the fort exchanges.
Despite being Hassan's brother-in-law, the two rulers could not see eye-to-eye on a number of political, religious and social matters.
Each interpretation is based on societal and political needs as the ruler of the day see fit.
No doubt, their rulers will soon see that there is a way to bring Valdemar into close alliance by the closest of ties.
When the ruler sees her cry he wants to save her, but only on the condition that she will be his.
That is how most rulers will see matters.
"Other rulers have seen the palace," he says, "and they like what they've seen."
Christian rulers gradually saw the advantage of having such a class of men, who could supply capital for their use without being liable to excommunication.