The once all-powerful ruler of Iraq was found in a hole, and now sits in a prison cell.
The two rulers sat, and Ichindar said, "This is quite a bit more comfortable than my throne.
According to legend, he kept the blades sharp because he believed that no ruler should ever sit comfortably.
Afterward, in the immense throne-room of the palace, the necromancers mounted the high double throne, where the rightful rulers had sat with their consorts.
At the top of the juvenile pantheon, the benevolent ruler of all that he sees, sits Dr. Seuss.
Here he was alone on an artificial world whose ruler sat in a distant city and who meanwhile had become tired of conversing with him.
The ruler of the city-state sat in a resplendent throne set up at the front door of the palace.
As the place where the ruler sits, it is the focus of ceremonial occasions, and usually has prohibitions on access to this space.
The ruler sat motionless in his great seat, staring fixedly at the scientist.
The rulers sat in their fortified castles and lived it up.