It's our rules-based system of governance, where no person or company is above the law, which is at the core of the American way.
As a Government we will make the argument to others that their interests as well as our own depend on a rules-based international system.
Promoting financial transparency is the key to creating a rules-based, global financial system that is hostile to illicit finance.
We will pursue an active and activist foreign policy, working with other countries and strengthening the rules-based international system in support of our values.
We feel that a rules-based system is the only way to ensure that commitments are respected and to guarantee equal treatment for all Member States.
We discussed that in the Council and stated that we need a rules-based system for the future.
Nevertheless, finding commonality between a strict rules-based system and a more flexible principles-based system is not simple.
It is encouraging because it is in our interests to bind Russia into a rules-based system where it can then be held to account.
The Commission's trade defence policy is a rules-based system in line with WTO rules.
"It's a rules-based system that looks for certain events to identify selectees," said Mark Hatfield, an agency spokesman.