But the ruling blocked the carrying out of the plan, known officially as the Colorado Opportunity Contract Pilot Program.
Today's ruling only blocks the child from leaving the United States.
The ruling blocked a lower court order that required the state to redraw the 12th Congressional District before holding elections.
The ruling will not necessarily block plea negotiations.
The court's ruling will block those companies from marketing T.P.A. products in the United States.
Even though he understood that the ruling might yet block his eventual ordination, he said, "this still allows us some visibility in the church."
The ruling blocks the attorney general's advisory opinion from guiding the enforcement of Kansas' law requiring the reporting of abuse that causes injury.
The court's ruling on Friday, which said that the officers are immune from prosecution under amnesty laws, blocked what would have been the first civilian trial of the military.
It was to take effect last June, but Judge Wolin's ruling blocked it.