The ruling by the Court of Appeals significantly expands the protections of the State Constitution and opens a new avenue for claims against state agencies, legal experts said.
The ruling expanded the proof of malice requirement to cases involving people who are not public figures but are in the news, a significant decision in First Amendment law.
The ruling expanded the rights of freelance photographers, writers and artists to ownership of their works.
The ruling would vastly expand the authority of those states to deny some treatments and equipment deemed medically necessary for people who, for example, suffer from diseases associated with AIDS.
The ruling from Strasbourg expanded the Norwegian media's rights to publicize public documents even if these can be a burden to individuals.
According to the ACS CAN, these rulings will expand access to quality health care for cancer patients, decrease cost burden, and refocus health care emphasis on prevention.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission said today that a 1995 ruling did not expand its regulatory powers to include certain derivative contracts.
School administrators said the ruling did not expand their powers or break new legal ground.
Today's ruling expanded on a 1999 ruling by the Constitutional Council - France's highest judicial authority - which ruled that the president was immune from prosecution.