The French court's final ruling favored the aunt.
If they are "expert" according to criteria laid down primarily by the medical industry, their rulings may favor those who have influenced their selection.
Both the companies and the Navajos were aware that Mr. Fritz's ruling was imminent and would favor the tribe, court documents indicate.
Other rulings favored the producers.
Should the ruling favor the players, redress may be too complicated to negotiate.
The initial ruling favored the police officer in the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia.
The ruling favored Col. Tiu, the president of the breakaway group.
More important, for the first time, a major ruling had not favored the N.A.A.C.P., suggesting that litigation was no longer assured of success.
This ruling favored New Hampshire and actually gave it a strip of land 50 miles beyond its claim.
But the bottom line of today's decision is that the ruling favored the United States.