The ruling highlighted the strength of the conservative majority on the current Supreme Court.
But Ameena Shafiq, a newspaper columnist, said the ruling highlights the difficulties that the Government will face in its efforts to eradicate the practice.
For many here, the rulings highlighted an ideological standoff on the court, in which two Republicans have voted with the court's two Democrats on some issues.
The impassioned ruling yesterday highlighted a developing stalemate in many states between courts and legislatures over the new laws.
For companies, this ruling highlights the importance of disabling ex-employees' accounts.
The ruling, challenging a practice dating from Israel's inception, highlighted the growing role of the Supreme Court in deciding the struggle between religion and state.
The ruling highlights the need for legislative changes in Albany so that the chancellor can protect students from the machinations of local boards.
The court's ruling will also highlight the records of our state's outstanding physicians, and patients will enthusiastically seek treatment from doctors with good records.
The ruling by the Court of Justice perhaps highlights rather than deals with the problem.
But two recent rulings in the case highlighted a more fundamental question: what is the minimal obligation of government to educate its children?