The ruling recognizes Latinos' suffering from systemic educational inequities.
"To the extent that the court's ruling has recognized that at a very early stage of litigation, we are pleased," he added.
The rulings properly recognize that language in the statute defining the term "employer" includes both employers and their "agents."
This ruling plainly recognized the sovereign rights of Indian tribes living on reservations.
The ruling, Mr. Downie added, recognizes a spirit of mutual trust and professionalism.
Today's ruling recognized the immunity of high public office, like the posts of prime minister, president and foreign minister.
The ruling only recognizes proprietary use of the bugle logo by Taiko, but not protection of its characteristic packaging.
Given the high status of the two young men, the new ruling recognized their future families and protected their children within the Cherokee Nation.
A major test may begin later this month for the rulings and ordinances that seek to protect abortion clinic staffs yet recognize demonstrators' free speech rights.
According to the defense, the ruling recognizes that there is no empirical evidence that khat is harmful.