While committee members said Friday that the ruling reinforced the legislature's control over the impeachment process, they said they did not expect it to prompt the governor to testify.
They said that today's ruling reinforces their case.
"The Judge's ruling reinforces the point that this indictment, which did not allege anything new, was hogwash," said Judy Smith, a White House spokeswoman.
Written by Associate Judge Joseph Bellacosa, the ruling reinforces the authority of school officials to combat school violence while still respecting student rights.
The I.R.S. contended that the ruling, which came in the form of a three-paragraph announcement, was merely reinforcing its longstanding position.
Some state officials said Monday's ruling would reinforce calls by many Republican governors and lawmakers to slow down its implementation.
The court's ruling reinforces a boundary restricting what religious organizations may do during political campaigns.
The ruling reinforces state efforts in other ways.
While both rulings reinforced First Amendment rights, and the Houston decision in particular clarified free speech restrictions on police powers, neither is likely to have a major impact nationally.
"This ruling reinforces a very high threshold for proving damages under federally protected property rights."