Republican officials said the two rulings on Friday had undermined their efforts to root out what they contend is widespread voter registration fraud.
Since renewable energy now costs more than that generated by coal, natural gas and nuclear plants, the ruling effectively undermined the industry.
Others were more certain that the ruling would undermine the policy.
The ruling obstructs the course of justice and undermines respect for the rule of international law.
A ruling that overturns the decision would not undermine the government's ability to protect its borders.
He asserted that Rehnquist's ruling "undermines their case for bringing any witnesses, because obviously we are not jurors."
The ruling potentially undermined the British government's effort to snare the suspect in a financial stranglehold.
Bertelsmann said the ruling would not undermine the merger.
Francis P. Bensel, the chief defense lawyer, said the ruling had undermined his case.
But steel executives and lobbyists said the ruling undermined the Bush administration's effort to shore up the troubled industry.