Quickly rummaging through my emergency bag, I claw out the spear gun and arrow.
He quickly rummaged through the lockers, coming up fairly quickly with a pair of pants and a shirt that almost fit.
Ikey quickly rummaged through his overcoat putting the contents of all its secret places into the few available pockets in the frockcoat.
I hunched down, careful that my back was facing the others, and rummaged quickly through my pack.
He hastened back around be- hind the desk and rummaged quickly through the bottom drawer.
He shut the trunk and started to rummage quickly through the box of his father's things, wanting to be done.
He quickly rummaged through the clothing and raised an eyebrow-for him, a look of great alarm.
Reed quickly rummaged through his crowded but able memory for minutiae.
Then she smiled, bent over, picked it up, and began to rummage quickly through it.
Turgut's eyebrows rose almost to his shaggy hair when I mentioned this, and I rummaged quickly in my papers.