The door opened and two dazed-looking Knights in rumpled brown uniforms began firing wildly into the night.
She looked very small, very young in her rumpled uniform.
Magnusson was at his desk, a big bull of a man who always looked as if he'd slept in his rumpled uniform.
He was a barge, unshaven man (without gold teeth) in a rumpled uniform.
He was a short Air Force major in a rumpled uniform.
Big, beefy, and red of face, he wore a rumpled uniform that was ablaze with decorations.
Passing a moment later, Joe saw his own reflection, a sergeant in a rumpled uniform, hair lank,face ominous.
She looked down at her rumpled uniform and debated changing.
He was still half - asleep, a boy in a rumpled uniform, the collar unbuttoned.
Riker settled back in his chair and straightened his rumpled uniform.