In time it would be learned that the cave stretched nearly a mile into the mountain and the temperature increased as the cavern ran downward.
He seized a drainpipe that ran downward between the windows.
Now the road ran downward, following the course of some olden stream between acclivitous banks.
Here and there, water broke through the fabric, running downward across its inner curve.
They sat within a small cave from which a stone stairway ran downward into the mountain.
They found saliva at the corners of her mouth, running downward, consistent with the position of her body.
Then it runs downward until reaching the Ohio River.
The thick white fluid seemed to grow thin and disappear as it ran downward.
All true caterpillars have an upside-down Y-shaped line that runs from the top of the head downward.
The black color of it ran downward from his shoulder into the pointed, hanging tip.