Robinson ran for Michigan's second touchdown on a fake field goal attempt from the four-yard line.
In Chicago he sprints out there, runs from the right-field line to center field, and the fans go crazy.
In total, the Broncos had run 3 plays from the 1-yard line and lost 5 yards.
In fact, he has run only once this season, from the 1-yard line, and he scored a touchdown.
Willis ran in from the 1-yard line on third down.
It ran south and east from the main line at Newark to Delaware City.
Two plays later, Holieway ran the ball in from the 2-yard line for Oklahoma's third touchdown.
Mayhew also ran in a touchdown from the 1-yard line.
The gaining of possession by running forward from the defensive line and taking a pass meant for a member of the opposition.
Manassas then ran into more murderous fire from the whole line of the Union fleet.