In contrast, the Giants' run from 1997 through 2003 produced the most playoff appearances in that stretch for the franchise since the 1930s.
A strong run at Barcelona produced no points due to an engine problem.
Mack's 1-yard run produced the score, which came at the end of a 37-yard drive.
Bonds fell short of the eight-game standard both times, but his second run at it produced a total of nine home runs in six games.
His other runs in the half produced gains of 9, 3, 5, 4, 3, 6, and 4 yards.
Rodgers's first-quarter touchdown run, a 34-yard field goal and Montgomery's 1-yard run had produced the 10-point lead.
The new run has so far produced seven issues but because the first was an "Issue 0" it is numerically only up to six.
It also was his fourth hit and fourth run produced.
Each run would produce a weaker wort and thus a weaker beer.
Together, the two runs produced about $10 million at the box office.