These run unattended and some types are interactive, like the original military flight training simulators.
Trains can run completely unattended or a single operator can control the layout with the click of a mouse.
CNC machine tools do not require continuous operator attention, and some models can run unattended.
A few machine shops run unattended on nights and weekends.
A full 33 percent left their cars running unattended, while 40 percent did not hide valuables from view when leaving their car.
The system can be set up on a highway shoulder and is supposed to run unattended, but the software still needs work, according to a state police spokeswoman.
These batch jobs run unattended and normally complete without any errors or issues.
Black pigs ran unattended in the yard, with no child to feed them.
It was an odd feeling to see so much impressive equipment running unattended.
This gives rise to systems that can run unattended for thousands of hours, with a minimum of maintenance.