The second sets into motion a runaway process that converts normal prions into a toxic form.
It's the same runaway process that causes women to endanger their health by starving themselves to look like fashion models.
Fisher's runaway process causes a dramatic increase in both the male's conspicuous feature and in female preference for it, until practical, physical constraints halt further exaggeration.
Many of the deaths and much of the permanent damage from influenza is caused by a runaway inflammatory process called cytokine storm.
The thermal runaway process associated with secondary breakdown, once triggered, occurs almost instantly and may catastrophically damage the transistor package.
At this point the water at the bottom of this column is pulled up by suction, and it too loses its CO in a runaway process.
Rather, the increased temperature accelerates the rate of the fusion reaction, in a runaway process that feeds on itself.
Under this twin pressure, tail length will increase; female preference and male character will reinforce each other, and evolve together in a 'runaway' process.
"Skinniness is becoming what's known in evolutionary theory as a runaway process," Dr. Brown said.
The trick-the really difficult part-was to prevent the computer from running even faster as it chilled, spiralling into a runaway process.