The gang seized the slaves and horses, and also freed Marty Handley, a prisoner for debt, and a runaway servant.
Newspaper advertisements for runaway servants frequently referred to their multilingual abilities.
What are you, runaway servants?
It seems by some quirk of fate you alone now on this world are able to communicate with some runaway servants of mine.
Washington also used some hired staff and white indentured servants; in April 1775, he offered a reward for the return of two runaway white servants.
What's one runaway servant more or less, ey?
In the 1650s and 1660s, settlers (mostly English) moved south from Virginia, in addition to runaway servants and fur trappers.
Despite these restrictions an additional groups of persons reside on the planet: the "Yips", who are described as "descendants of runaway servants".
You advertised a runaway servant, the other day?
Advertisements for runaway servants generally contained a description of the individual and the monetary reward/compensation involved in his/her apprehension.