In the novel it is also said the book has a title on its cover, written in embossed runic symbols.
Mask erased the runic symbol with his foot.
Jennifer examined the signature with keen interest but she could make nothing of it; it was more like a runic symbol.
Other pillars lay cracked and broken on the ground, the meaning of the runic symbols carved into the golden stone long forgotten.
The tramp described a runic symbol in the dust at Archroy's feet with the toecap of his sorry right shoe.
The toe of his right foot described a runic symbol upon the damp pavement.
Nilsson does not attempt to solve the first few runic symbols of the inscription.
Her body armor was scored with ancient runic symbols that hadn't protected her after all.
Within the circle there is a runic symbol resembling an arrow pointing southwest.
The runic symbols around the edge of the cover are from the Anglo Saxon rune system.