Normally, the runners wore their race numbers on the front.
In the race, four runners wearing pierogi costumes race toward a finish line.
Even the tapes some runners wore on their noses to help them breathe bore the image of the flag.
Dr. Duane confessed that one reason she loves running is what runners wear these days.
All the runners wore a microchip laced onto their shoes that wasn't activated until they stepped on the red mat.
To gauge heart rate, runners must wear either the included chest strap or a wired Adidas top ($60 to $70).
For example, runners in a race will wear a prominent competition number so that they may be clearly identified from a distance.
If desired, the runner may wear their costume during the race.
Many runners also wore black ribbons on the encouragement of race organisers.
Some runners wore stars and stripes singlets or racing shorts.