Stormwater management systems have reached their capacity to catch and treat this runoff water.
California rivers continued surging today as upstream dams were opened to make room in reservoirs for still more runoff water.
Regarding soil contamination, runoff waters can have two important pathways of concern.
Additionally, discarded debris on the site can be carried away by runoff waters and enter the aquatic environment.
As the rain and snow fell, the resulting runoff water dissolved fluoride which made its way into the water supply.
Except for occasional small runlets of sand brought down off the hillside by runoff water, the shore was granite.
It had probably been made by runoff water over centuries of cloudbursts.
Unlike runoff water and subsurface water penetration that comes from outside the house, condensation is an interior problem.
Groundwater is not abundant in most of this area; the eastern slopes show greater population due to the greater runoff water available there.
He walked slowly forward, crossing a wide area of bare rock swept by runoff water.