Finally, the Glen Grey Act (1894) re-drew the laws on rural African land tenure and effectively disqualified nearly all rural Africans from the vote.
As such, rural Africans rarely have clear title to their own land, and have to survive as farm laborers.
Most rural Africans see wildlife as a relatively endless source of food and find it difficult to grasp the concept of sustainable management.
Fear of being dismissed from jobs and a belief among rural Africans that the disease is spread by witchcraft keep sufferers away from treatment.
It remains almost unknown among rural Africans and is uncommon in most rural communities in Asia.
Air power has never been much use in Africa, because rural Africans already lack factories, electricity, bridges and armored divisions.
Less than 40% of rural Africans live within two kilometers of an all-season road, the lowest level of rural accessibility in the developing world.
He was a firm believer in rural Africans and their traditions and ujamaa, a system of collectivisation that according to Nyerere was present before European imperialism.
They were also propelled by legislation that rendered many rural Black Africans landless.
Nile crocodiles, which can grow 22 feet long, still prey on rural Africans while their overseas relatives eat two or three Americans and Australians a year.