He often sips "mate" (pronounced MAH-teh), the bitter herb tea popular with gauchos and others from rural Argentina.
Another example is Wences Casares who, as the son of a sheep farmer in rural Argentina, founded patagon.com, Latin America's first online brokerage firm.
The two former combatants embraced when they met at Mr Velasco's house in rural Argentina.
"These simple, small rituals help preserve the American identity," Ms. Guinazu said of the mixed-race people who predominate in rural Argentina.
Built in the late 1930s, these buildings were some of the first examples of modern architecture in rural Argentina.
Intimate Stories Several villagers from rural southern Argentina set out for the big city of San Julián, each with a private agenda.
During this time period in rural Argentina, it was not uncommon to see a wealthy male with multiple families.
Another, wistful border crossing: a Spaniard, traveling through rural Argentina, spots a melancholy old man with a shabby overcoat and worn briefcase boarding a bus.
Sarmiento discusses growing up in rural Argentina with basic ideologies and simple livings.
The film tells of Daniel (Tomás Fonzi), a coming-of-age seventeen-year-old orphan growing up in a small town in rural Argentina.